Action Girls, INSPIRATION | 9. April 2015

ACTION GIRL OF THE MONTH: Laura Lawson Visconti

I discovered Laura through Nikita Clothing, since we both are part of the NikitaNATION. I clicked through her blog and could’t stop reading her story and looking at those amazing images. This girl is just rad! I love her positive vibes and also her amazing style. Ok I will stop worshipping now, but honestly this girl… Here is a little interview I did with her, enjoy and get to know Laura! 

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Action Girls, INSPIRATION | 18. November 2014


This month Action Girl is Daniela Bily. We have some friends in common, we went to the same events, but never met. Sadly, because she is one of those girls you just know you would get along with her so well. I don’t know why we keep missing each other, but I want to show you, dear readers, a little bit of her. Here is the Action Girl interview I made
with her, enjoy this amazing wild soul! 🙂

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