RelayRides – A Road-Trip Imagination

RelayRides asked me to write down my perfect road-trip imagination through a part of 
the USA. I could choose anywhere I would wanna go – as long as there is a RelayRides 
car to rent. (It took me a while to understand, that RelayRides is not a normal rental car 
agency, it’s kind of a system where you can sign up and rent out your own car, when you 
don’t need it and you get money for it, of course!) So anyway, back to my dream road-trip!

First we would fly to Los Angeles and pick up an amazing, classic VW van like this, but only
with the possibility of sleeping inside the car. My boyfriend would love that! Then driving 
from L.A. to Palm Springs – I would spent at least one night at the ACE hotel there. Then 
the road-trip would take direction Las Vegas to see Death Valley and Hoover Dam as well. 

After that we would dip into the amazing nature of the Grand Canyon! And we would 
probably just go explore as much as we can, going on hikes and enjoying nature.

I think if we are already there, in the USA, we would drive the 9 hours (google maps said 
so) to the Yosemite National Park as well! For some climbing, at least the boyfriend would 
be super stoked about that place. 🙂 Yeah… this road-trip would be a super mixture 
between cities and nature! Just what I love! Let’s go! 

Oh and one more fact about RelayRides – you can pick up your car at the airport as well!
Click <<here>> for more information about this opportunity! 

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